Live Marketing Considerations for the Gen Z Consumer

live marketing strategies for gen z
  Generation Z has arrived and in order to compete for market share, do not undervalue them. Who are they and why should you adjust your live marketing efforts to target them? Gen Z makes up approximately 22 percent of Canada’s population. Now that they’re entering the labour market and gaining disposable incomes, here’s how you might want to shift your marketing approach.

Who is Gen Z?

Generation Z, or Gen Z, is generally accepted as the demographic cohort born after 1995. They strive to create positive social and environmental impacts and aren’t afraid to spend a few extra dollars to support brands and products with similar values. They value individualism and typically avoid labels. They’re ambitious, entrepreneurial and hardworking, but prioritize a healthy work-life balance and financial security. One way Gen Z differs from Millennials is their attention span. Born and raised online, this emerging generation is constantly switching between a plethora of browser tabs while watching YouTube, Snapping friends, and tuning into a Twitch stream. In order to break through the vast amount of notifications this demographic receives, you need to be strategic.

Create a multi-sensory experience

Gen Zers crave unique, multifaceted experiences. Born social and big on swift visual platforms like Vine and Snapchat, this generation can be a bit less focused than their Millennial predecessors and require unique and electric experiences to remain engaged. Adding video, custom lighting, engaging audio tracks, and immersive AR technology to your pop-up shop, for example, will not only attract Gen Zers, but appease their fleeting attention span as they move from one carefully crafted element to the next.

Co-create a culture

Somewhat cynical and generally skeptical of traditional advertising, Gen Z looks to pioneer change and values opportunities to express individuality and defy cultural stereotypes. Provide Gen Zers the opportunity to co-create a culture; at your next brand marketing initiative, encourage participation and individualism, allowing consumers to become a part of your brand. Campaigns that totally nailed consumer participation, emboldened creativity and also gathered some pretty amazing user-generated-content include Starbucks’ 2014 “white cup challenge” and Apple’s “shot on iPhone” campaign. These wide-spread campaigns capitalized on participation to allow consumers to flex their creative muscles and initiate a lasting brand connection.

Go for Nano

Unlike Millennials, Gen Zers are true digital natives: they’ve never been subjected to the obnoxious screech of a dial-up tone and are extremely in-tune with all things tech. Incorporating digital strategies into your marketing campaigns is a great way to facilitate a connection with this demographic. Incorporate nano-influencer marketing in your next campaign. More so than Millennials, Generation Z welcomes genuine connections. While you might think investing major dollars in a huge voice like Kylie Jenner or Selena Gomez would carry substantial weight (and of course, it does), but for this generation, contracting multiple small-scale influencers with a unique personal brand can drive more meaningful brand awareness as the voice behind the message appears more genuine.

Make a human connection

Similar to Baby Boomers, Generation Z enjoys fostering human connections. Unlike Millennials and their obsession with text and instant messaging, Gen Z consumers appreciate fostering deep connections. While incorporating your brand activation with digital curb-appeal, don’t forget to inject a little human connection into the mix. At Reef, we know just the strategic approach you need to appeal to emerging demographics and niche markets.