Your Full-Service Brand Strategy Team
Meet the team that makes it all happen. We are proud to be a team of dynamic, hard-working and passionate people. Founded in 2005, we have satisfied over 400 clients nationwide in our short 18 years. Our senior team members are big thinkers and dedicated brand specialists who are always learning and striving for more on behalf of your brand.

Shereef Shiaty – CEO and Founder
Visionary, builder, world traveller, with the energy of a first-year Beta Pledge on 3 energy drinks. Over 15+ years in the industry. What he lacks in organization he makes up for in passion.

Jen Baxendale – Managing Director
A logistics fiend, Jen has been keeping Shereef grounded in reality since the inception of Reef. Self-taught in all areas of her role she is always looking to learn more. Team builder, fixer, closer. Also known as the office mom

Lisa Lorefice – Partner
Strategic maven and creative powerhouse, Lisa brought Spoiled Fabulous, Simon Pure and BurstXMG to life before joining with Reef Moxie to form Reef Agency. A big heart and an even bigger brain, Lisa deals with the terrible challenge of being loved by everyone who meets her.